The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Great Ontarion Road Trip 1: Ottawa-Maynooth-Collingwood

I love driving on country roads. I've never been super keen on driving. I mean, yeah, great, it gets you from point A to point B but to understand people's obsessions with it? No, not really.

This is the first trip I've been on where I've been flying solo and at the liberty of being able to pull out a map and go "Okay... there!" and travel completely on my schedule: able to stop and detour where ever I want.

And you know what? I now get the obsession.

So lets see, left Ottawa, picked up maps on my way out of town, headed west. Stopped at various random small towns and scenic water-side picnic spots. Ended up at final stopping spot of Backpackers Hostel at Maynooth (just outside Algonquin park).

Next morning, got up early, due to hot weather warnings, replaced half day hike I'd wanted to do in Algonquin Park with shorter walk at Lake St Peter. Had breakfast on beach of Lake St Peter. Bought fudge. Had a second short hike along random walking path near Tory Hill where I took a lot of pictures of butterflies. Meandered my way over to rendez-vous with Andrea and Jim near Collingwood.

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