The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tree Peonies - yesterday

The beauty of staying at my parents' place is the backyard (and the picnic table that is wonderful for sitting out with a cold drinking and studying - when the children next door aren't running around naked and screaming: I'm assuming someone didn't think it was bathtime?).

Here is my dad's pride and joy. It is a tree peony that he babies like you would not believe. Ironically, in all the years that he has had it and loved it and coddled it, I don't think he has ever seen it bloom (it blooms in fishing season).

Needless to say, yesterday, when the first buds started to open, it was a big event (we had to go out and count the buds - of his 2 trees, I believe the tally was 8 and 12).

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