The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Monday, May 7, 2007

Adventures in epidemiology

Here it is: end of day 1 of my epidemiology for residents class. Kind of funny to in a way come full circle in my year and end up back with old med school classmates. HOwever, class looks very dynamic and useful, looks like it will really be the resource I've needed and it's really interesting to come back as a semi-outsider.

Kind of brings me back to why I"m where I am: I hate pagers. I'm convinced that I must have nearly converted into an arrythmia every time one went off (which in a class of 30 internal med residents, was often). It's also a good way to look at where I am vs where I was: I keep talking about "the passion" for medicine that I never had that I think anyone would need to make it through. It's pretty awesome to see it in my old med school friends. I also felt it gave me a good comparison of where I was in med school: overwhelmed, uninspired, struggling to keep my head above water to where I am now: total keener, loving every minute of it and feeling totally gung ho about all my projects.

1 comment:

Marieke said...

Hmmm sounds like and how I was in TRP vs now in Nursing. Big difference in feelings and happiness huh?