The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Doc vs Jock

So, after watching really weird chick flick (the one where Reese Witherspoon's a ghost, I found myself asking "who on earth diagnoses (forget about treats) a tension pneumothorax across a room in a restaurant?" Make me start to wonder how much of a doc I still am and where the jock instincts have kicked in. Here's my analysis.

Questions tension pneumothorax diagnosis. (1 point doc).

Thinks the 10 pounds she gained are mainly muscle mass from body pump. (1 point jock).

Wants DEXA scan for quantitative evidence of above. (1 point doc).

Still knows all MUHC hospital numbers by heart (doc).

Jumps into action when pager goes off (even one on TV). (doc)

Not too keen on Grey's Anatomy because residents look tired and remind her of real life. (doc)

Gets more out of said TV show when watching at gym because treadmill keeps me in place long enough to watch it. (jock)

Trying to figure out how to exchange Airmiles for new roller blades. (jock)

Has contemplated career as professional body builder in past week (will comment more on this when get DEXA results) (jock).

Has started partly planning out days around work-outs. (jock).

Well, folks, my current tally is 5-5 doc-jock. Perhaps I am in the midst of transforming (I"m trying to think up working for some sort of cocoon analogy but I'm tired and it really isn't working).

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