The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Side effects of black licorice medication...

So, after buying that big bag of Goodies to vengefully fill my pillbox (hey! they work great! they're capsule shaped and I could color code them: white is AZT, green is Gravol, yellow is neurontin... I made a key with pill, color, dosage and what they are for to go with my demo), I took the remaining candy home with me in a good sized tupperware container. My mom and I emptied it over the course of 24 hours (when she gave me a list of groceries to pick up today, she added more licorice to the list... think I created a monster?).

I signed up for a read 50 books in 2008 challenge (started keeping track of my tally on the blog) via Ravelry. I'm hoping to get a little more sophisticated than Janet Evanovich (though I do love my Janet Evanovich). I'm currently reading Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez and am really having a hard time putting it down.

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