The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Monday, January 14, 2008

Help! I'm drowning...

I am exausted. I am on my last day of extended-vacation-which-was-not-really-extended-vacation-because-I-brought-work-which-I-have-been-disciplined-about-doing-even-if-I-only-manage-to-start-in-earnest-at-11pm-and-then-can-not-figure-out-why-I-am-exausted-the-next-morning. Whew... When can I go on vacation.

So what am I working on?

1-) I am trying to salvage my thesis. My trials are either not happening at all, getting cancelled last minute or getting sabotaged by suicidal data-acquisition systems. I have spent 7 months working on the gravy for my thesis that is probably not necessary but would be nice for publication and have gotten nowhere. Trouble is, I can't go nowhere. Funding runs out by summer and I'm applying for PhD programs for this fall. I am hence trying to re-plan my thesis, hold the gravy.

2-) Research article. This is key. If my thesis is non publishable without the gravy and I am holding the gravy, publications are required from other projects. Lucky for me, I have spread myself very thin and have lots of other projects in the works. I am currently slaving over the discussion of one we want to send out by the end of January. Trouble with discussions is when you do research for discussion and in every article you read, you find reference to 5 more articles that you really should read. It gets to be rather distressing.

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