The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Monday, January 28, 2008

Feeling crafty

Perhaps inspired by actually getting somewhere with the thesis (whew), I got a second wind with the crafty-creative stuff. I'm taking part in a 1ft square crochet block a month activity on Ravelry (the idea is that by December, you have at least enough blocks to make a small blanket (several more ambitious people in that group are aiming much higher). I finally got around to making my January block (whew! before the February one is announced:

The sand dollar sweater is also progressing:

That's the back AND the 2 upper front panels. I am wondering if the neckline will have more decoltage than my bussoms will handle but I figure I should be able to add a border if necessary once assembly is completed.

I also found this which sounds pretty awesome and will definately take part:

Project Spectrum

I am wondering if I can combine it with the blanket project and make extra blocks for each element theme (I'm thinking placing them as corners of the blanket). Thought I also want to do something with photography and perhaps try out some other creative outlets.

First up: Fire!

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