The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stop beating up the lifeguard!

One of the disadvantages of being a doc-jock is that the jocks don't recognize your doc credentials. Case in point: I have an MD and a valid ACLS certificate. This obviously does not cover basic first aid an CPR C. In fact, I don't even qualify to do the recert. Hence, I got to spend 2 whole September Sundays doing my full basic first aid and CPR C.

I got there. Most people had not done any first aid before. Most of them were under 17. My instructors were 2 lifeguards. One of whom was teaching his first class and looked freaked out of his mind. Doc jock decides to avoid freaked out instructor from peeing his pants (he looked really scared), she would go incognito and quietly listen/knit socks in the background. That worked fine until the section on heart attacks:

Freaked out instructor: What do you do with someone having a heart attack.

Doc Jock: (Automatically thinking out MONA: morphine, oxygen, nitro, ASA) Give aspirin.

FOI: Oh goodness, no. Aspirin is only a long term thing you give for protection -

DJ: (Interrupting) No!!! Studies have shown that survival improves by administering Aspirin when someone is having a heart attack! It works by reducing the inflammatory response.

FOI: Well, I suppose if the person had aspirin with them, I'd let them take it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

DJ: (clenching jaw and knitting needles talks herself into backing off, satisfied to glower in back of room muttering "moron" under her breath).


Marieke said...

I still say you should have told them you were an MD, just for the EXTRA freak out effect! I'd PAY to watch it too!

Red Rabbit said...

V. funny.

Well... you could hardly expect him to go from the precordial thump to MONA could you? He probably has never heard of the Inflammatory Response... might think it's a cool new punk band from Iowa.

Or something.

segacs said...

I admire your restraint, actually. Not having any clue myself about Aspirin studies, MONA (sounds like MOMA?), or even basic CPR, I still have to say that if I were you and *did* know those things, I would've been sorely tempted to play the know-it-all and embarass the hell out of the poor lifeguard kid.

Didn't someone say maturity was knowing when NOT to display your knowledge? I guess that makes you very mature; me, somewhat less so.