The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My first blog entry!

Well, here is the start of my new blog. I'm figuring on trying this out and using it to try keep up to date with friends and family. We'll see how it goes.


Marieke said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! You'll soo get addicted to it, just as I did!

segacs said...

Woohoo, Cathy's blogging! I've already "blogrolled" you, so welcome to the blogosphere (and all the fun lingo that goes along with it!)

I've been at it for over 4 years now and am still going, so Marieke's right about the addiction factor.

Can't wait to hear all your randomness, musings, and thoughts. And if Minou hijacks the keyboard, I'm sure there will be some interesting resultant entries there.