The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Entering the Chamber of Melanoma

In preparation for my trip to Puerto Rico next month, I have decided to get a base tan.
So far, I have spent 9 minutes in the tanning bed and will log in another 4 or 5 tomorrow.
9 minutes sounds like nothing, right? Why should I feel this is worth typing about?
I come from a long line of very pale people who burn very easily. I also come from a very long line of skin cancer. The idea on voluntarily tanning for the point of tanning and increasing my risk of skin cancer has always been something I have been very strongly against.
However, I am probably spending my whole first day I am in Puerto Rico on the beach and out snorkelling. Being from Canada, I have basically covered everything but my hands and face since September. Even with my trusty SPF 30, I will burn.
So here's my question: what has a worse risk analysis profile: 45 minutes in the tanning bed over the course of a month or the guarantee of a sunburn? Couldn't find any evidence based medicine literature about this one...

1 comment:

Red Rabbit said...

Err... scary stuff.

Looking at it in another way, most studies say that the sun damage you get before adolescence is the really dangerous stuff.

Waves of envy over escaping the winter cold.... have fun