The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So not ready for x-mas...

Part of my mom's x-mas gift has gone awol.


So has one of the dpns from the set I was using to make my dad's gift.

Ack. Ack.

I am down to 9.5 term papers left to grade and 1 plagerism issue to address:

Student seemed to feel that unless a direct quote was being used, one does not need to reference ideas.

Almost half of the essay consists of direct quotes.

Ack. Ack. Ack.

Though I am relieved that I am the mere TA and deciding what to do is at the discretion of the prof.

1 comment:

Marieke said...

Sounds like my friend's attempt at her FINAL exam/take home essay for sociology! Thank god she sent it to me BEFORE submitting it! 3/4 of it was direct quotes and it had no actual conclusion... took another 2 hours for her to write some original thought and a conclusion, and it was only a 2.5 page long paper!!
Needless to say I was disappointed in her for it. I was ticked that I agreed to correct her stuff when this is what she produced after 5 hrs of writing it!?? I felt like she was wasting my time, the day before my OSCEs.. grrr.
I know TAs and Profs must hate that crap more than I. I feel for you, really I do.