The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy holidays to all!

Well, I made it home and through Christmas. I have been in full hibernation mode. The little cold I started fighting off 2 weeks ago has decided that it wants to be a full blown sinus infection when it grows up (ugh - that was my thought when I once again woke up feverish this morning).

In my hibernation state, I have read much junkish reading material (my latest is a series about vampire soccer moms - likely not what an MD/grad student wants to be caught dead reading but it suits my mental state quite nicely), knitting and playing with camera (unfortunately having troubles transfering photos from my laptop to my dad's desktop so only have a few to show). I also revamped the HIV talk I"m taking to the high school in January.

I almost finished my knitted gifts (note the pair of gloves phototgraphed). Also made a hat and some gloves for my dad: I hoped to finish them Christmas day and asked to back up gift-exchange time - as dinner approached, I realized that I was running out of yarn (there is a second ball in my appartment). My dad received one glove gift-wrapped and a promise of the second glove to be finished when I return to my place for New Years. We spent the rest of the evening holding bets on which finger I would run out of yarn on (middle finger - I thought it was a very clear message to me from my yarn).

Oh, and I did find the awol gift for my mom. Now that she has received it, I can tell the story. She had asked me for socks and underwear for Christmas so I bought her sock yarn and a pack of underwear. I had my purchased gifts laid out in the middle of my kitchen table and realized while getting ready for our department Christmas party that my date was going to be there any minute and that there was a big package of underwear in the middle of my kitchen table (I keep thinking of the reference to mommy pants in Bridget Jones' Diary). I freaked out and quickly hid the underwear only to later discover that I had no idea where I would have put them (found them pulling my duffel bag out of the closet the morning I was leaving). I figured that even if I only found them later, at least I"d have a good story for my mom at Christmas...

1 comment:

Marieke said...

What is that last picture of?
And before you leave for Ottawa again I need to get you your gift (and Casey's)