The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Monday, November 26, 2007

Talkin' 'bout my generation

So there's this phenomenon I've noticed when talking to people my age (or maybe just the geeks I hang out with). Any situation or discussion topic seems to lead to "You know this is just like that episode of the Simpsons (some show offs will add the season here) when..."

I've been resisting. I watch the occasional Simpsons' rerun but am hardly a Simpsons efficionado. However, I caught myself comparing my parents' situation to what would happen to Homer if Marge were incapacitated for a month - hey, wait! That's just like the episode where Marge got arrested for shop-lifting!

I must be showing my age (and my geekiness).

1 comment:

Marieke said...

LOL.. funny, my ex-boyfriend (D) LOVED the Simpsons and knew every episode...