The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rodents of Unusual Size!

I was heading into the lab the other day when this thing started to chase me. (Yes, I suppose you know you're a jock when the school mascot chases you into your building).

What is our mascot? A rat is my guess. But no one really seems to know. In fact, this mascot appears to be big on keeping a very low profile. Having had my curiousity piqued by this thing running at me, I decided to do some research. All I could seem to find were postings from rival schools ridiculing our apparently rather incognito mascot. Maybe it's lonely?


Justin and Mommy said...

I think it's supposed to be a horse... If I recall my Ottawa U trivia correctly (you are at Ottawa U right?)the team name Gee-Gees is short for "Garnet and Grays" but the term also refers to a type of race horse. Or something like that. As a former Carleton student all I know for us is "there's a hole in the city and it's name is Ottawa U..." ;-)

Cath_r1n said...

It could be a horse... Horse... Rat... Badger...

A horse would make sense but...

Marieke said...

Haha, to the "hole in the city song...! Irene M taught it to me when she was at Carleton too and we went to football games. Love that song! Sorry, I know it's your school and all...

Cath_r1n said...

Heh heh, I love my program but I have hole in the city momemts (if you guys knew about our current lab plubbing situation... ew...).