The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well, folks, I got thrown a curve-ball today and you, lucky people, get to come along for the ride (okay, bear with me: I really need an outlet).

Minou's been sick to varying degrees since the fall. She's been on steroids for bowel issues which she seemed to responding well to. I mentioned before my trip that she'd developped a bit of a limp. The vet saw her, couldn't see anything wrong, figured she'd done something clutzy.

She just hasn't been right since I've been back from PR: initially thought she was ticked off at me, then I thought it was the bowel again. However, when I got in from a visit home this weekend, she ran over to greet me dragging both hind legs behind her. For the past 2 days, she's refused to move (I have had to carry her to the food bowl to get her to eat). Took her to the vet today: she's got bowel cancer that has spread all over with bone mets and spinal cord impingement. Was told that the only way I'd be able to keep her comfortable would be to keep her at the vet on a hydromorphone drip. What sort of quality of life is that for a cat? Kind of hard coming from the medical / palliative world to know when enough is enough...

I had her put down this morning. She has cuddled up in my arms and purring right 'til the end. Gonna miss my little friend. May she be in cat heaven curled up on an armchair with a big bowl of potato chips...


Marieke said...

Oh Cathy, I am so sorry. But you did the right thing, she would have suffered any other way. You can come visit my gang anytime!
Love ya,

Lady said...

Hey Rin its Mel

Im soooooo sorry to hear about Minou, shes the only cat Ive ever liked, she will be missed.

If you need the furry company Brie always wants to hang with her pals!