The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Friday, March 23, 2007

Geese are nocturnal animals - who knew?

So spring must have sprung - I got woken up at 1am by the squawking of Canada geese. Who knew they were such nocturnal beasts. Well, the farm in nicely flooded and swampy, meaning there will soon be lots of geese and my bird fanatic parental units on the farm (hi, mom and dad!).

I'm spending my morning fixing up my infectious disease lecture for next week. I was supposed to be using last semester's lecture except that apparently last semester's lecture was too medical-based (sorry, I was asked "Could you please give this class on infectious disease because you're a doctor?" with no further instructions). I am currently upping the biopsychosocial content (come on all ye McGill med people - let's collectively groan). The good thing is that I convinced the prof that because I'm doing all this lecture prep work, the other TA should correct all the final papers (woohoo!).

So, here's my beef of the day (discovered which google-imaging for support for my biopsychosocial content):

Anyone else have issues with Bible-thumping as a cure for AIDS? Not just that, but people assuming there's safely hiding behind your religion (at the end of one of my high school HIV presentations earlier this year, one girl piped up "Well, I can't get AIDS because I'm Catholic." - I felt like my whole presentation was an absolute waste... Argh!!!!!!).

Of course, there's always the option to cash in on epidemics (this disgusts me):

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