The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Sunday, February 4, 2007

2 sick puppies...

And so the cat and I are both at home in the midst of total self-pity: I've got a cold, sore throat and single-nerve root distribution of burning pain across my back (I am hoping I'm just an over-vigilant medical trainee who learned "When in doubt, it's shingles" self-diagnosing, but I am on the look-out for rashes and trying to figure if it's safe to go to school tomorrow - though I think it's pretty safe to assume that most university-aged people have had the chickenpox).

Minou meanwhile has been limping around all day. I'm trying to figure out cat biomechanics. One of her back legs seems to just give out on her.

I can see trips to the vet in both of our futures. Meanwhile, we are fighting for the curl up with a blanket and feel sorry for yourself spot on the couch.

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