The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Monday, February 5, 2007

Still got med student syndrome

Okay, so I don't have shingles (thankfully). And the cat just did something stupid when I wasn't watching and sprained her paw.

This weekend has made me realize how bad it is to know too much (especially if, like me, you like to freak out and perhaps have a little too healthy an imagination).

Off to teach myself stats (am not sure what I am more disgusted with: classmates not being able to figure out means, modes and medians in 3 classes or prof deciding he needs to "babysit" us and give a quiz each week to make sure we did our readings... come on, people!).

I have knitting to show off. Must change my camera batteries first.


Marieke said...

We have one prof who likes to take attendance too. None of the other profs do, just her. And since every class is taught by a different teacher (as in they all take turns teaching) we have her every once in a while. It wastes 10 minutes of class... stupid and a waste of time. If someone is not there, that's her/his problem.

segacs said...

As they say, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Try my theory instead: Ignorance is bliss. (If I have any horrible diseases, I think I'd rather not know, to be honest).

Feel better.