The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The belated trip photos: 1 cave exploring

I am finally getting around to posting photos. I have been totally submerged in stats and various MSc junk since I've gotten back.
Here is my first full day in Puerto Rico (somehow looks a lot like photos my dad takes under the microscope).
Ricardo, our host for the week, took me to the Rio Camuy Cave Park (3rd largest cave system in the world) for some spelunking (you have no idea how much I love that word!). It's a pretty cool set-up: you get carted down to the cave entrance in a trolley and then get a walking tour through the caves - the artificial lighting set up in the caves may have taken away some of the authenticity but made the viewing rather spectacular and led to lots of entertainment with my camera.

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