The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The big 5-0

I have been beating myself up over my thesis. I have been told to add 2 more subjects at this point in time which means have to take quite a few steps backwards in data analysis. I ran extra subject #1 on Thursday (and will point out how deeply in love I am with our now properly working indirect calorimeter) and will run subject #2 in just over a week.

I have been very hard on myself with the writing process because I have been "still on chapter 1" for months. This morning I compiled what I have so far for chapter 1 (I need to finish one small section and add a summary and summarizing diagram): I have over 50 pages and 185 references for chapter 1. I am still "still on chapter 1" but at least am feeling like I have done something substantial.

I have gotten some knitting done (the snowbeast is getting to be beastly in size and I have lots of little squares to piece together for the baby blanket). There will be photos too - as soon as someone gets her act together and recharges her camera batteries.

PS: note to my mother. You will be so proud of me: I went shopping and bought new jeans and 3 tops to replace the clothes you were disgusted about last week (I have a graduate student wardrobe of very old scruffy clothing - it fits, most of my nice clothes from when I was doing clinical work were purchased when I weighed 20 pounds less and somehow don't fit so great and I spend way too much time working with things in a biochem lab that are best worked with in old clothes - my mother was not impressed with my falling appart jeans and t-shirts she recognized from when I was in high school...). I can even post photos when my camera is recharged.

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