The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


So, our insanely high snowbanks are melting due to unseasonal conditions. As the snow is still covering the ground, guess where all the melt off is going? Yup, my parents' basement. And as the stand-in for my dad while he is in Mexico (sigh), guess who gets to bail the basement? Yup, me.

I figured I was heading for my own meltdown wth the bailing, my questioning what on earth I am doing with my thesis (grr... hit research frustration point...) and unexpectedly 2 day early PhD phone interviews (when the confirmation e-mail said the 9th, it really meant to say the 7th), I thought I was approaching my own meltdown.

I then got this e-mail from un-named student in un-named class of 200 that I am now TAing. I have come to conclusion that I am not melting down but have instead entered some strange universe:

I have a huge favor to ask. I am in blank class on Monday nights and we have a midterm scheduled for Monday the 25th of February. I already booked tickets for a concert that night. I was hoping I might be able to write it the week before reading week.(week of the 11th-15th) There will be no other material covered. If you want my schedule for that week I can send it to you as well. I really hope this is a possibility and will work out.

I sat there for awhile with my jaw dropped. Seriously? You even ask? This would require a whole second midterm exam to be written. This is a large class. If we reschedule a midterm for a concert, I really would not be fair to say no to any requests no matter what the reasoning behind them. My head began to spin, causing Casey to run and hide...

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