The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Monday, November 12, 2007

Knitting, lots of it!

Occasionally, my blog likes to pretend to be a real knitting blog. I figured I should humor it and, seeing as I got some knitting done this weekend, post some yarn related material.

I finished my second pair of fingerless gloves! I was knitting them in a medical waiting room last week when a lady came up to me, concerned that I might not realize that there was a big hole in the middle of my knitting. I reassured her that it was a thumb hole and pulled out my first glove to demonstrate.

I bought more yarn this week (I needed a wedding gift) and cast on not one, but 2 projects (I was stuck in the lab running trials and the internet was down: what else is a girl to do?). The first is going to be a big project. I am looking for a name for it (remember Cookie Monster for Elena and Jon?). I was going to go with White Fang, but it seems too delicate to be White Fang... Maybe something elven from Lord of the Rings? I am currently taking name suggestions.

I started the fall foliage hat from's fall '07 issue. I keep doubting my gauge and have been trying to try it on for size. However, I keep putting myself in danger of dropping stitches and I have a notoriously large head (thick skull and lots of hair). So as long as it isn't for me, whether or not the hat fits me is not a good judgement of size. Must find myself a head model...

Check out the pretty handspun stuff Amanda gave me! Spun by Amanda using Alpaca - she made herself a gorgeous pair of fair isle gloves and gave me her leftovers to make myself a pair (I should have gotten a picture of Amanda's gloves to give her credit where credit is due).

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