The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Moved, nearly settled

I've been in my new place as of Thursday and am anxiously awaiting phone, internet and a linen closet. I am truly hoping that the phone, internet and linen closet fairies will have been by when I get in tonight.

I'm getting settled: I have a great view of the river and I'm locing how I'm setting up the place. I have lots of photos which will be posted once I find the hook up for my camera.

I am, however, currently waging a war: I have so far encountered 3 of these cuddly little guys and I really don't want them as roommates.

I have invested a small fortune on cannisters for all my dry food. Casey will start taking this personally because it looks like I would do best not leaving her food and water out overnight.

I have sealed up all the crevices around my pipes with duct tape (it looks like someone set Red Green loose under my sink).

I have transformed miraculously into a neat freak (anyone fallen off their chair yet?) and have been mopping the floor obsessively.

(What are we up to? Bibites 3, Doc-Jock 3?)

Most interesting is this new idea I found:

Casey is going to love that one!


Red Rabbit said...

You might also be interested to know that Casey thinks bebites make a delicious snack (never mind great pre-snack entertainment).

I have photographic evidence for that one....

But she'll probably go for that other idea as well.

Cath_r1n said...

I figure it's the best of both worlds: things to get stoned on and for the munchies afterwards (not to mention entertainment while stoned!)

Marieke said...

haha.. gross!