The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thesis Update

People who have endured my whining over the past few weeks will be glad about this one (but don't you fear: there will still be whining to be done). After umpteen re-writes, changing variables to be measured and re-hypothesizing, the supervisors have okay'ed a final version of my proposal!

It is printed, 3 copies are sitting in the lab. I have report covers. They will be deposited in the morning.

I will be requiring alcohol... My "yay my supervisors have stop changing things celebration wine" I've been saving for this occasional was drunk at a dinner party last weekend, having been convinced by Eric that by the time they stop changing things, something stronger will be the order of business.

1 comment:

segacs said...

Yay!!!!! Celebration time! How fortuitious that the timing falls right on St. Patrick's Day! Something tells me that finding alcohol this weekend will be relatively simple.