The second full day was spent in the inner corridor of the island in the mountains near Ricardo's hometown, Barranquitas. We left San Juan caravan style with 2 car loads of Spanish exchange students following close behind. I kept telling myself I'd learn Spanish by osmosis over that day but pretty much ended up just smiling a lot, nodding, and getting really excited when I recognized a word ("siesta!").
The morning was spent doing an "easy" (translation: death hike!) 4 hour hike in the San Christbal canyon (deepest gorge in Puerto Rico, with 700 foot walls). Note the climbing gear, rocks and fact that, yes, I am actually jumping off of the ledge there. Also please note: I sprained my ankle 20 minutes into the hike and was too damn stubborn to take Ricardo up on his offer to go back with me. A week of whining and Advil later, I have no regrets. When else would I have gotten to do this?