The mildly insane thoughts of a mildly sane graduate student

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ms Personality

In my "Philosophy of Undergraduate Teaching" class we had to take a personality test to assess our personality and learning skills. As predicted, when I did a different version of the test, I got the same result.

Apparently, my personality type is generally not found in sciences and academia (they get frustrated and go elsewhere) - perhaps why I left medicine? perhaps why I like the individual learning and can multitask well?

BTW, ISTJ and ESTJ are the most common academic personalities.

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)

Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.

Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Doc jock goes to Toronto

So, being an MD considering entry into academia (I am still considering how insane this makes me), I am being pushed to go for an MDPhD. I had my first interview with a PhD supervisor last week at UofT. Toronto is a beautiful city to wander around on an indian summer day (it was almost October and 31 celcius! it was amazing how smug people looked: so pleased to be getting away with another hot day before the cold settles in.

I had 4 hours before my interview to wander, window shop (I was good and made no purchases besides a ballpoint pen) and eat veggie sushi. Very nice little interlude. Went wandering down Queen Street looking for the knit cafe. Couldn't find it but found 2 knitting stores (one was insane: there was so much yarn, you couldn't move), cute little boutiques, fair trade cafes and a cupcake shop that was sadly (or perhaps, fortunately) closed. I've been regularly listening to the Cast-On podcast hosted by Brenda Dane. Brenda has never been to Toronto but describes imagining it being a knitter's utopia made out of cupcakes. I think I got a glipmse of Brenda's Toronto.

Mmmm... Pigeon...

I can never seem to have success directly uploading video to Blogger. Hence, youtube. This is why Casey has been too busy to have any good hairballs lately:

The evolution of a sock

Here is my September knit-along sock (Vog On from I did a big chunk of the first one during my first aid course and had most of it done before I realized that I had to decrease after I turned the heel (hence the very large sock hanging off of my foot). I ripped it out all the way to the heel and redid it. Finished the first one last week on the train to Toronto (yes, the finished sock was modelled on the train to the amusement of the people sitting behind me). I'm now almost 2 inches past the heel turn on the second one.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stop beating up the lifeguard!

One of the disadvantages of being a doc-jock is that the jocks don't recognize your doc credentials. Case in point: I have an MD and a valid ACLS certificate. This obviously does not cover basic first aid an CPR C. In fact, I don't even qualify to do the recert. Hence, I got to spend 2 whole September Sundays doing my full basic first aid and CPR C.

I got there. Most people had not done any first aid before. Most of them were under 17. My instructors were 2 lifeguards. One of whom was teaching his first class and looked freaked out of his mind. Doc jock decides to avoid freaked out instructor from peeing his pants (he looked really scared), she would go incognito and quietly listen/knit socks in the background. That worked fine until the section on heart attacks:

Freaked out instructor: What do you do with someone having a heart attack.

Doc Jock: (Automatically thinking out MONA: morphine, oxygen, nitro, ASA) Give aspirin.

FOI: Oh goodness, no. Aspirin is only a long term thing you give for protection -

DJ: (Interrupting) No!!! Studies have shown that survival improves by administering Aspirin when someone is having a heart attack! It works by reducing the inflammatory response.

FOI: Well, I suppose if the person had aspirin with them, I'd let them take it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

DJ: (clenching jaw and knitting needles talks herself into backing off, satisfied to glower in back of room muttering "moron" under her breath).

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Long awaited pics

So here it is:

The remains of my old place and my new place. I am still having a love-hate relationship with the new place. No recent bug sightings and check out my new couch and the view is pretty stunning (especially when there's a hot air balloon festival happening the weekend you move in).

Like my Red-Green style cockroach deterrant? The catnip cockroach deterant is also pretty big (as predicted) around here. Many thanks to Amanda, my official supplier.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

From my inner nerd

This song was on the cast on podcast from 2 weeks ago. It kept me entertained while I disassembled a big chunk of Marieke's birthday present tonight (the present was looking great - if only Marieke had 2 right sides to her body). I won't post pics until Marieke receives it but other than that little fixable whoops on my part, I'm rather pleased with it so far: it's my first attempt at knitting cables and I'm loving them!

Am still looking for my camera cable in my few unpacked boxes to upload pics - did however manage internet for first time in new place tonight (yay! too bad that now means I am fully equipped to do work from home - boo!). First week of school was adventurous: managed to miss my first class AND get my scholarship funds frozen due to clerical errors by school administration. I think both issues have been sorted out - but, really, who knows?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Moved, nearly settled

I've been in my new place as of Thursday and am anxiously awaiting phone, internet and a linen closet. I am truly hoping that the phone, internet and linen closet fairies will have been by when I get in tonight.

I'm getting settled: I have a great view of the river and I'm locing how I'm setting up the place. I have lots of photos which will be posted once I find the hook up for my camera.

I am, however, currently waging a war: I have so far encountered 3 of these cuddly little guys and I really don't want them as roommates.

I have invested a small fortune on cannisters for all my dry food. Casey will start taking this personally because it looks like I would do best not leaving her food and water out overnight.

I have sealed up all the crevices around my pipes with duct tape (it looks like someone set Red Green loose under my sink).

I have transformed miraculously into a neat freak (anyone fallen off their chair yet?) and have been mopping the floor obsessively.

(What are we up to? Bibites 3, Doc-Jock 3?)

Most interesting is this new idea I found:

Casey is going to love that one!